Sectional Perforating Presses
General information
The processing of the perforating zone in strips is characteristic of this type of press as the tools have a working width of 250 mm or 400 mm. The result is a maximum degree of flexibility: Our perforating machines can produce any kind of perforation field pattern. Sheet metal up 25 mm thick is suitable as raw material.
Hydraulically actuated clamps hold the sheet in place and move it in the X- and Y-axes through the tool. Gagbars, which successively expose or cover the tool's individual punches, are mounted above the tool. On one hand, this allows a high degree of flexibility in respect of the perimeter form of the perforated field, and on the other hand high production speed is achieved through the software-controlled simultaneous actuation of several punches.
Sectional perforating machines guarantee highest productivity while at the same time fulfilling your demands for great flexibility.