Expanded Metal Machines
General information
Expanded metal is a rigid and non-ravelling metal that has been slit (offset perforations) and expanded into an open mesh pattern. Our machines are specially designed for the production of expanded metal. Special attention is paid through customized solutions to addressing the requirements on an expanded metal press such as the need to ensure minimum deflection of the press frame or play between the upper knife holder and the eccentric shaft.
In addition the lower blade can be prebent via wedges so that the lower blade follows a perfectly straight line under load. The feed rollers (strand) and the upper knife (mesh width lwd) are positioned by means of digital servo motors. The ram height (mesh depth swd) can optionally also be set via digital servo motors.
Particularly large mesh, particularly fine mesh, particularly high speeds, particularly short setup times, particularly flexible programming, particularly high accuracies – whenever you have special requirements, BRÜCK Expanded Metal Machines are your first choice.